Umbrella Dryer in Hong Kong

Umbrella Dryer in Hong Kong

We have discovered beautiful umbrella dryers in Hong Kong and other Asian cities. Due to the lack of space in Hong Kong, the city has elevated in every respect. As a result, pedestrians often walk above the street, one floor higher, so to speak. In addition, these pedestrian paths often lead right through the middle of high-rise buildings. Thus, on rainy days, crowds of people with wet umbrellas walk through buildings. That's why there are such umbrella dryers in front of almost every building. We have identified two variants. Plastic cases, in which you put the umbrella, practical, but nowadays because of the plastic consumption also somewhat critical. The second variant is ecologically more attractive, because here you pull the umbrella through a device equipped with fabric fibers - like a car wash, only for umbrellas. We are thrilled and wonder where the European copies are. If the dear readers can contribute photos from other countries, please feel free to send them to us.

6 months ago